Friday, 12 September 2014

What is Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)

Welcome guys! If you are searching for the basics of Electronics and Communication (ECE) Engineering then you are at the right place.

Most of the student in Electronics and Communication engineering (ECE) branch are least bothered about what it is.! and they simply join because there Mom or Dad insisted them to do so.!!!!
  Ask yourself "What is ECE branch all about."?
Is it about only the resistors, transistors or the basic communications.??


Is it the branch of your Parents choice and where there are too many job opportunities.??

Think on it before joining any engineering branch.

The answer is YES for the first questions, it basically deals with resistors, capacitors, transistors,and other such electronic devices. But the most common devices that you all must know are the above mentioned devices. If you are well aware of the basics of these devices then you can do anything in ECE and can make any circuits easily. You must understand these devices first to start your career in ECE.

Now what you should know about these devices.?

1) What are they?
2) How does they work?
3) There characteristics?
4) And most important "Are they linear or Non linear."? 

Don't worry about all these as you go through my concepts you can easily understand what these devices are and how they function. when ever any viva question is asked in any interview to ECE students they start with the basics, so you must be well aware of all these by doing so you can solve any question or circuit given by the interviewing officer.

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